Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Simple Ribbon Earring holder

I was really starting to wonder how to store my dangle-y earrings, and I was stumped for quite a while.  The earring holder that I had gotten years ago only holds post earrings, and I didn't want to spend $20+ for a different one.  After some thought this is what I came up with.  It looks a lot cuter than I thought it would.  Please excuse the ugly blue star wall.

I just used thin black ribbon and colorful thumb tacks, and it holds up well.  I think it's much cuter than the metal earring holders I've seen.  If you don't want to poke so many holes in your wall, you  could do this on a bulletin board also. 

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Risque Pillow Cases

These I made for a Bridal Shower for a friend.  They were a big hit!  All the ladies wanted to know where i got them!  These are great if you're just not sure if scandalous lingerie will go over well with the bride to be or *cough*  her grandmother.  As I said EVERY ONE loved them.  I was so happily surprised!  So I stamped the smaller letters across the middle with clear stamps, and the bigger block lettering I used freezer paper for a stencil.  I am in love with freezer paper!    The Mr. Pillow says "In the Mood?," and the Mrs. pillow says "Yes!!!" on one side and "Dream on Mr." on the other.  What a cute bedtime game to play as newly weds!

Here they are wrapped up all cute!  So much fun!

{....SO You'll Need: }
Freezer paper (about $6 at Wal mart for a huge roll, I was so excited to get it I was hugging the ginormous roll the whole time while shopping.  I'm sure my guy thought I was nuts.)
SOFT fabric paint(not puff)  I used tulip matte soft fabric paint in Ebony (about $1 Michael's)
Cheapy sponge brush
Matching bows($2.50 clearance WM)
Needle and matching thread
Pillow Cases($6 Walmart/ color: vanilla dream)
Cardboard pieces(to go in between the pillow case, so the paint doesn't leak through to the other side)
X-acto Knife
Clear stamp ABC set
Printout of Mr. and Mrs.
Masking tape(to mark where the letters go)

I printed out the text and just taped it over the freezer paper.  I then cut out the print with an X-acto knife.  Now you're freezer paper stencils are ready.  Then I ironed the freezer paper stencil, waxy side down, onto the hem of each pillow opening where I wanted them. Make sure you don't fold or crease where the stencil is ironed on, or the stencil might bubble and start to come up. 

Gently Paint a coat of fabric paint onto the pillow so as not to get paint under the freezer paper where you don't want it.  I painted 2 coats, but it's not necessary.  Let COMPLETELY dry before you pull off the f. paper.  It was very hard to wait...  I was so excited!

After that I put a cardboard piece in between the layers of fabric, marked with tape in the middle, and stamped on the letters with the same fabric paint. It was a little tricky getting just the right amount of paint on the stamp. I kinda painted it on the stamp with the sponge brush, which turned out the best. Let completely dry, then do the other side of the Mrs. pillow.
Sew on the bow where you want it, and you have an adorable gift!

Inspiration from: Kari at Ucreate

Personalized Glass Etching

Here are a few more monogrammed glass etching projects that I made for a friend's wedding.  Sorry if you can't see them well.  I made them with Armor Etch and contact paper, just like my last tutorial.  I used a large Hurricane from Wal mart (about $2), and a mirrored glass candle holder also from Wal mart (about $3)

And yep, those are my glow in the dark stars reflected from my ceiling.

{Etched Glass Hurricanes}

Here is a t tutorial on how to make etched glass hurricanes. I love etching glass, and you will too!  It's so easy, and you can personalize so many things.  I have made monogrammed wedding presents, and have had so many ideas for other etching, but we'll start with my most recent project.  I have chosen a cute girl silhouette and a key for these small hurricanes.

PS.  My apologies about the pictures!  It's hard to take good pictures of etched glass, since it doesn't show up too much on camera, and I was using my camera phone.  (my camera is broken.)

{You will need:}

Glass hurricane any size (I got mine at Wal-mart for i think $1 a piece.  Mine are the smallest size they have.)
Contact paper or vinyl
x-acto knife
Printout of desired picture or saying (from computer or Cricut)
Armor Etch glass etching cream  (I got mine 40% off at Michael's using a coupon.)
Junky sponge brush

This is the hurricane before the etching.  Boring.

Print out your favorite saying or picture that you want, roughly cut them out, and tape them onto the contact paper.  Cut out the picture very precisely using an x-acto knife.  Make sure you cut all the way through the contact paper.  Remove the printed paper off of the contact paper.

Remove backing off of contact paper and position onto hurricane.  Smooth on so that there are no bubbles by the inside edge, so no cream goes where it's not supposed to.  it doesn't have to be perfect on the outside edge farther away from the picture. (Much like my imperfect example below)

This is the part where you're supposed to use gloves.  I didn't, but I probably should have since it is acid after all.  I didn't have any.  Anyways, apply etching cream with a brush you don't care about getting ruined just on the place you want etched.  I used one of those cheapy sponge brushes.  Make sure you apply it thick and even.  I then put a plastic bag over them so the cream wouldn't dry, which would stop the etching process.  The bottle says to leave the cream on for 5 minutes, but when i used it before it wasn't nearly as etched as i wanted it to be, so i played with it a few times and 20 minutes is perfect. Wash off cream carefully, remove the contact paper, and now you have a permanent design!  It's even safe to use on drinking glasses, but that's another project!

If you have any questions, you can comment me and I'll answer as soon as I can!